Together with the Regional Natural History Museum – Plovdiv we have celebrated the Forest week on 8th of April. Representatives of the Southeastern State Enterprise and the Executive Forest Agency also took part in the event.
The main part of the celebration was the forest pedagogics. The experts from SSE and EFA organized different games for the children and their parents – the children could make postcards from nature materials, to play forest scrabble and to make themselves wooden pendants. There were team games as well, which demonstrated the key significance of the nature balance and why it is so important for the people to live in harmony with the wildlife.
At the BSPB info point we told the visitors more about our activities dedicated to the conservation of the Lesser Spotted eagle, the Еastern Imperial eagle, the Egyptian vulture, etc.
The interactive game “Guess the pair” taught the people about the popular birds species which we encounter in the cities but rarely pay attention to. The game challenged the participants to compare the male and female birds or the young and adult individuals. The fun facts on the back of the cards added to the knowledge for every species.
The photo exhibition Life for the birds in Bulgaria was also presented at the event. It represents the information about the rare and threatened species in Bulgaria, their habitats and the BSPB’s activities on their conservation.
The event was part of the activities of the projects Life for Eagle’s Habitats and From Iron Curtain to the Green Belt in which BSPB bring together the efforts for the restoration of the forest ecosystems.
The project Life for Eagle’s Habitats is implemented by the Executive Forest Agency in partnership with the BSPB, Southeastern and Northeastern State Enterprises and it is funded by the LIFE Program. Long-term conservation of the Lesser Spotted Eagle in the country by ensuring protection and sustainable management of its habitats is the main focus of the project’s activities.
The project From Iron Curtain to the Green Belt is funded by the Endangered Landscapes Programme (ELP) and it’s implemented by the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Southeast State Forestry Company (SSFC), Rewilding Rhodopes Foundation (RRF), BirdLife Europe and Central Asia (BLECA). Its main goal is the restoration of the local xerothermic forest, pastures and river galleries, in order for a wide network of viable ecosystems, resilient to the climate change to be created in the area of Sakar, Strandzha and Eastern Rhodopi mountains.
Photos: RNHM-Plodvid