Communication activities

Any EU LIFE project works extensively with internal and external audiences.

In the state of globalisation, nowadays we travel freely, people contact with each other much easier and much faster. All thanks to modern communication technologies. If at the beginning of the 20th century the expression “If you are in the newspapers, you exist” was popular and applied in full force, today this pertains to the Internet and particularly to social networks.

For the results of the activities implemented under the Life for eagle’s habitats project to be accessible and useful to all interested audiences, they need to be “talked about” and find a place in the huge national and international information flow. Effective work with the media – national and international, will present the benefits of the implemented project activities for the forest biodiversity including the Lesser Spotted Eagle as well as the people.

Not only will the project be present on internet through this website, which is the face of the project in the online space, but it will also be introduced in social networks – Facebook and YouTube.

The overall presentation of the project objectives, main activities and results can be found on the website, which will serve as the major source of information for stakeholders. This is the only way we will be able to increase their interest in the topic, improve their knowledge and gain their support. The bilingual website will provide national and international coverage of the project.

A range of diverse printed materials designed to increase public understanding of the topic and gain support for the conservation of the Lesser Spotted Eagle and Bulgaria’s forests will complement online communication and reach audiences for whom the internet is not yet as important or accessible a channel.

Printed materials will be produced at key points during project implementation. Dissemination of the project website address will be a high priority and will also be done through all printed materials, both in media activities and at events.

The conservation of the Lesser Spotted Eagle and its important sites, which are part of the Natura 2000 network, depends very much on local people – those who live close to the protected sites. To build a sense of pride in the place they belong to, to increase its value and importance, information signs will be placed at the most appropriate spots in the protected sites where the project is implemented.

Integrated communications and active involvement of various stakeholders is of great importance for the full and effective implementation of the project activities. To maximize the value of the work carried out, information sharing will be sought with other relevant projects, regardless of their location. Linkage with relevant nationally and internationally coordinated conservation activities for the Lesser Spotted Eagle, forests and agricultural land is of great importance. The exchange and coordination will be an important activity for effective project implementation.


At the end of the project, a publicly available report will be prepared, which will inform about the objectives and results of the project. Its purpose is to help promote the application of lessons learned during project implementation by other partners and supporters.

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