Photo: Dimitar Gradinarov
On the occasion of “Forest Week,” the BSPB team held a series of open lessons at the “Imperial Eagle” Nature Conservation Center in the city of Topolovgrad.
Over 100 children, students of Dr. Peter Beron Secondary School and Sts. Cyril and Methodius Primary School in Topolovgrad, participated in the event on March 29. Students from 3rd and 4th grades, as well as the “Nature around Me” interest group, were introduced to information about the life of the Lesser spotted eagle and its habitats, the threats to the species, and the methods employed by BSPB to mitigate them.
The focus was on the topic related to the illegal setting of poisonous baits, which is one of the main threats to predatory birds and raptors. Thanks to BSPB’s anti-poison dog, Bars, and his handler, Nikolay Terziev, the children had the opportunity to learn more about this serious threat, as well as about the complex relationships in nature.

Photo: Dimitar Gradinarov
In addition to combating poisons, the children learned more about the valuable habitats around their city, as well as other activities related to the conservation of the Lesser spotted eagle and the endangered landscapes in Sakar. Elements of BSPB’s new educational program, “Eco-Adventures,” were also demonstrated.

Photo: Dimitar Gradinarov
The events took place within the projects “LIFE for Eagle’s Habitats” (LIFE18 NAT/BG/001051), funded by the LIFE program of the EU, and “From Iron Curtain to Green Belt: Restoring Ecological Networks in Southeast Bulgaria”, financed under the Endangered Landscapes Programme (ELP).