Photos: EFA
Over 60 experts, foresters and inspectors from the Executive Forest Agency (EFA) and the regional directorates participated in the National forestry council, which was held in the South central state Jundola.
The session was opened by the EFA’s executive director, engineer Stoian Toshev, who enforsed the need of making such meetings for exchange of experience and good practices between the experts from different regional directorates.
„Our goal is to achieve maximum crime disclosure for which we need to support and encourage the forest inspectors in their work and to improve the preparation of statements of finding, acts and penalty orders so that they will be protected in the Court,” said he.
During the session were raised questions regarding the applying of the law regulatory provisions and practical problems, experienced by the different regional directorates in their specific work conditions.
The other topics which have been discussed were compliance with the legal and administrative framework in forest management, and implementing forestry activities of creating, forming, maintaining, revival and use of forests.
Next there will be analysis preparation of the judge-made law in the different regions, which will clarify better the equal application of the legislation. Special attention has been turned to the administrative indicative proceedings about the administrative penalties to the legal person – dealers, registered in the public register of the Agency.
During the event there were presentations for good forestry practices, related to the cultivation of young forests ecologically for the needs of the high-quality wood production – the Saarland method. Information about the protected species was presented, according to the ecological legislation, as well as the power of the forest officers as per the Biodiversity Law regarding the protected species.
The council was held within the project Life for Eagle’s Habitats.