Photo: EFA

Forest pedagogues from EFA и SESE visited the Bulgarian secondary school Hristo Botev and kindergarten in Bratislava. Eng. Liubka Varbeva and Tatiana Dimitrova gave a lesson in front of the children from the 4th grade of the kindergarten and learn from the book Tales from the nest with the children from the school. The book teaches them in a more accessible way about one of the protected bird species in Bulgaria – the Lesser spotted eagle. Lots of Slovak children study in the school who have shown admirable skills in reading in Bulgarian as well as in knowing Bulgarian words and grammar. The school is a focal point for the Bulgarian students who have chosen our educational system, and travel every day to it from Austria and Hungary.

During their stay in the Slovak capital the forest pedagogues met the director of the school Dobrina Banova, who thanked everyone who participated in the campaign Books for Bratislava in order to renew the school library fund. According to mrs. Baneva the donation is part of the educational activities to spread the Bulgarian literature, language and culture amongst the Bulgarian diaspora.

The forest pedagogics lessons and the donation campaign is part of the project Life for Eagle’s habitats.