Lords of the sky – eagles have a strong connection to the earth, just like humans. The earth provides them with a home and food. However, human activities increasingly alter the environment, challenging these majestic birds to find nesting sites and sustain themselves and their young.
Today, we seem to have forgotten the crucial role eagles play in nature. They naturally regulate the populations of many rodents, helping farmers to grow their crops in an environmentally friendly way.
This film is created as part of the LIFE project “LIFE for Eagle’s habitats” (LIFE18 NAT/BG/001051) www.eagleforests.org. It introduces us to the feeding habitats of the Lesser Spotted Eagle and the species it preys on, drawing our attention to the threats to its habitats. The film provides practical advice on suitable measures to conserve the feeding habitats of the Lesser Spotted Eagle, ensuring land for all – for the eagles, the animals they feed on, and for sustainable agriculture and livestock farming.
Find the video HERE.