The donation of 500 books was received today in the Bulgarian school in Bratislava. The donation was inspired by the employees of Northeastern state enterprise, Executive Forest Agency and Southeastern state enterprise.
Books have donated many citizens, the team of the Varna book store, girls from Helikon-Shumen, experts of the state enterprises and Executive forest agency, Nature part Vitosha, and Forest seed control station Sofia, which were then sent to the Bulgarian high school “Hristo Botev” in Bratislava. The largest quantity of Bulgarian fiction volumes donated the teachers and students from SU Hristo Botev, Aytos.
The charity campaign “Books for Bratislava” is part of the project Life for eagles habitats. Its main goal is to protect the Lesser spotted eagle and its team push for the children in Bulgaria and abroad to know why it is important to maintain the balance in the ecosystems, what to do to protect the valuable habitats for animals, birds and reptiles, which are important to all of us.