The “Tree of the Future” is the result of an innovative forestry practice called the “Saarland Method”. The direct and long-term goal of the implementation of this practice is individual production of high-quality wood. This practice uses an individual approach to growing each tree by selecting the so-called ‘tree of the future’. The growth and preservation of ‘trees of the future’ is directly linked to the provision of larger diameter trees on which juvenile Lesser Spotted Eagles can successfully build nests and rear their young. It gives more pairs of Lesser Spotted Eagles a chance to breed.

The Saarland method is already being successfully applied as a forestry practice on the territory of the Southeast State Company (SESE) on 128 ha of forest. These forests are in the territorial divisions of the State Forest Enterprise – Zvezdets, State Forest Enterprise – Kosti, State Forest Enterprise – Malko Tarnovo and State Hunting Enterprise – Gramatikovo. A contract was signed between the management of SESC and B&B Partners Ltd. on May 13, for the implementation of one of the main conservation activities of the project “Life for Eagles’ Habitats”, funded by the EU LIFE Programme, namely the implementation of pilot forest management practices to maintain and improve the breeding habitat of the Lesser Spotted Eagle.