Two hundred children from two kindergartens in Varna took part in forest pedagogy lessons over the past few days. The classes were led by experts from Executive Forest Agency, North East State Enterprise and Directorate of Shumensko Plateau Nature Park.

The book “Tales from the nest” told the story about the life of the Lesser Spotted Eagle, how and when it builds its nest and how it raises its young. Through entertaining games the children understood why we should protect this bird and how valuable it is for our nature. During the lesson they built their nest, “scrambled” eggs and fed the newly hatched eaglets, finally flying to warmer countries.

The young students also had to answer questions related to forest fires, trees and animals, as well as the preservation of all valuable species. Forest educators explained to them why we should not pollute our water sources, soil and air.

This is the second lesson being held from the forest workers in this kidergarten. The joint work will continue in the autumn, when the foresters will show the children how to plant a tree and how to take care of it.