Over 150 foresters from the forest enterprises of North-East State Company, South-East State Company and Executive Forest Agency, as well as citizens from environmental organizations and NGOs will undergo training this and next year on how to apply the Saarland method, which aims to preserve habitats and natural diversity in Eastern Bulgaria. The lecture and practical course will be led by Eng. Martin Borisov, PhD, who is the first forester to introduce the method in Bulgaria.

The Saarland method is still not widely used in our country, and the reason for this is the small number of trained experts and some regulatory restrictions, Borisov commented. He also believes that forest inventory experts who plan the activities in the forests should also be more familiar with this method in order to apply it in our country.

Eng. Borisov also said that the trainings that are organized thanks to the project “LIFE for Eagle’s habitats” are basic and should be upgraded so that more foresters can apply the method and achieve the desired effect – environmentally friendly production of high quality timber.

I welcome what the project team is doing so that this method can be applied in our country and more and more colleagues can take care of the forests in an environmentally friendly way. This is one of the sylvicultural systems that aim to protect and increase forest resources.