Petko Kolev from Sofia was the first to join the “Books for Bratislava” campaign, organized by EFA, NESE, BSPB and SESE. He and his wife set aside from their personal library several editions of Bulgarian authors which their sons and grandsons studied at school. The particularly valuable edition of Peter Beron’s “Primer with various instructions” is among the books. Petko Kolev wants the children in Bratislava to touch the book, and not just see a picture of the cover in their history textbook.

Our first donor says that he was born on March 1, 1942 in the village of Yablanitsa. His love for books comes from his teacher at the Makhlen school, Milka, who gathered her class twice a week during the holidays to read them books by Bulgarian authors. After the Commercial High School in Sofia, Petko Kolev graduated the Agricultural Academy, where he was an assistant for some time. He later became involved in plant protection and worked in Africa. He remembers that whenever he was on the road he carried books with him through which he entered new and unknown worlds. He is currently re-reading Montaigne’s Experiments because he thinks that one reading a book only once is not enough for a philosopher of his rank.

Kolev clarifies that he has been collecting books all his life, and has a lot of personal creativity, as some of his poems and stories have been published in the pages of “Srednshkolski Vestnik”. He likes to read a lot and is happy to participate in the campaign for the benefit of the Bulgarian school in Bratislava. He promises to convince his friends to donate books for one of the oldest Bulgarian schools abroad.

Anyone who wants to help refurbish the library at the Hristo Botev Bulgarian Secondary School in Bratislava can send books or hand-deliver them to EFA, NESE or SESE. The campaign is part of the “Life for Eagle’s Habitats” project, and the collected books will be sent to Slovakia on May 24.

EFA – 1040 Sofia, Hristo Botev Blvd No. 55, 0878560502, Lyubka Varbeva

NESE – Shumen-9700, 1 “Petra” Street, 0878596860, Tatiana Dimitrova

SESE – 8800, Sliven, Oreshaka St. No. 15a, 0889300690, Desislava Stefanova