21 March is the day dedicated to forests. Home of the wildlife. It is forests that provide the necessary conditions for our lives – from clean air, clean water, clean food to medicine and space for recreation. This year’s theme is “Forests restoration: a path to recovery and well-being”.
Sustainable management of forests and the use of their resources are key to combating climate change and biodiversity loss. The well-being of present and future generations also depends on them. Forests play a crucial role in reducing poverty and achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Despite all these invaluable environmental, economic, social and health benefits, global deforestation continues at an alarming rate.
Loss of forests also means loss of irreplaceable habitats for animal and plant life. Their restoration is a major goal of “The Eagle’s Lands and Forests” project. It is implemented by the Executive Forest Agency in partnership with the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Southeast and Northeast State Companies. The long-term conservation of the Lesser Spotted Eagle in our country, through the protection and sustainable management of its habitats and the creation of new ones, is the focus of the project activities.
On the occasion of the Forest Day, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is organizing a photo contest of a favourite tree. The winners will be announced today on the organization’s website.
The Forest Day celebration date was chosen on the initiative of the 23rd session of the European Agriculture Confederation held in November 1971 and was endorsed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 1972. On this day, 21 March, attention worldwide is once again focused on the effective management and conservation of all the planet’s forests with their diverse plant and animal life.