Photo: © Svetoslav Tsvetanov
On September 15th, a team from the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) observed an impressive congregation of over 100 migrating Lesser Spotted Eagles in Western Strandzha. The birds were feeding in cultivated fields with voles.
This observation was made during a survey of the species’ habitats used for feeding during migration. In almost all of the approximately 100 surveyed points, the team observed congregations of migrating Lesser Spotted Eagles with varying numbers of birds.
Analysis of these observations will reveal crucial locations for the species during migration in our region. Preliminary data indicate that the area east of the Straldzha-Karnobat line, along with the Burgas Bay, appears to be exceptionally important for the migration of Lesser Spotted Eagles. Many of the birds stop at these locations for one or more days, where they rest and feed. This information will aid in planning future conservation measures for the Lesser Spotted Eagle in our country.
The monitoring and artificial nest installation activities are carried out within the framework of the LIFE project “LIFE for Eagle’s Habitats”.