BSPB and its partners “Neverending story” and Suggestopedia for children “Living fairytale” presented the short educational movie “Eagle scouts of Bulgaria” at the end of April in front of children and parents.
Dimigar Gradinarov, expert from the Bulgarian society for the protection of birds told the children, parents and teachers about the 6 species of eagles, that could be seen in Bulgaria, why it is important to take care of them and their habitats and how this helps other species which lives there.
Children sang to the song “Eagle flies” and together they created a new improvised song to affirm they love for birds and their interest for their conservation.
We thank our partners for their enthusiasm and willingness to spread knowledge and love to nature in the youngest generation of environmentalists!
The movie and the song has been created within the project „Life for eagle’s habitats“ (LIFE18 NAT/BG/001051).
Photographs: “Neverending story”